On Tue, 2015-11-03 at 09:06 -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> > To someone who runs stable - sure. He's running testing, though,
> > which is more troublesome, in my experience, then Sid.
> That does not match my experience, at all.

Interesting, my own experience is pretty much the opposite. I have been
using unstable for something like ten years, and while breakage have
occurred I don't remember any really big issues. 

For myself, either I want a rock stable system I can pretty much forget
about, stable. Or something that is really bleeding edge, that is
unstable, and sometimes even unstable moves too slow.

Testing seems like the worst of both, not recent enough to be useful
for me, and not stable enough to just use unattended upgrades and
forget about it.

Of course, this is all subjective, and I wouldn't recommend or talk
inexperienced users into running unstable (or testing) but it works for

Sven Arvidsson

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