Almost five years ago, I became unable to post questions here by e-mail.  The
e-mail bounces with, for example:

> The following message to <> was undeliverable.
> The reason for the problem:
> 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7
<>: Sender address rejected:
undeliverable address: host[] said: 550 5.1.1
<>... User unknown (in reply to RCPT
TO comm
> --4pO84.596/vqwKa.2j26M/gYqU.DibVXRw
> content-type: message/delivery-status
> Reporting-MTA: dns;
> Final-Recipient: rfc822;
> Action: failed
> Status: 5.0.0 (permanent failure)
> Remote-MTA: dns; []
> Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.7
<>: Sender address rejected:
undeliverable address: host[] said: 550 5.1.1
<>... User unknown (in re
> --4pO84.596/vqwKa.2j26M/gYqU.DibVXRw
> content-type: message/rfc822

This commenced about the time my employer started prepending a bounce address
validation tag ("prvs=752320ad2=" in the above example) to my e-mail address
on outgoing mails.  This fails with the debian lists but nowhere else.  I
have circumvented the problem ever since by posting via

But now I am screwed.  The e-mail address you now see (via gmane) gets >90%
spam, presumably because the address is pulled by spammers from archives that
include my posts.  So I set up a clean, new address that I intend to use only
for receiving the digest.  The problem is that I have to confirm my
enrollment by e-mailing
and that e-mail bounces because of the first problem.  I can't get to the
confirmation address through gmane.

Any ideas on how to fix either problem?  Thanks.

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