On 20/11/15 15:07, Kynn Jones wrote:
Also, I set the contents of my `/etc/apt/preferences` file to this
(the file was empty before):

     Package: *
       Pin: release a=stable

Looking at the Debian wiki's page on APT preferences[1] and comparing to your file, I notice that you haven't specified a Pin-Priority for this pin.

P.S. FWIW, ultimately, what I want to perform a very controlled,
tightly-targeted upgrade of my R-related packages (i.e. `r-base` and
friends) to `stretch`/`testing`.  IOW, I want to keep the non-`jessie`
packages installed in my system to the absolute minimum that is
compatible with upgrading R to `stretch`/`testing`.

Just so you know, this is a discouraged[2] (and completely unsupported) configuration.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian#Don.27t_make_a_FrankenDebian

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