
Nexttime please send mail to <debian-user@lists.debian.org> instead of
<debian-men...@lists.debian.org> since the later list is mostly for
junior maintainers instead of users.

According to <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=687543>
someone had been tried to package udpxy, but did not make it, so it is
not in Debian right now.

So, we need to compile from source :)

First, we need to install the build tools (with root privilege):

$ apt-get install build-essential

After that, build with the following commands:

$ wget http://www.udpxy.com/download/1_23/udpxy.1.0.23-9-prod.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf udpxy.1.0.23-9-prod.tar.gz
$ make
$ su -c 'make install'

If you don't want to install, just don't run the last command and run
udpxy directly from the source tree using:


Feel free to ask if you don't understand any of the steps.


On 16/11/2015, linuxuser <artan.mi...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> hello
> Can you help me how to installed udpxy.1.0.23-0-prod.tar.gz
>  I uses Debian  8.2 ,I'm trying but it is impossible

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