For reference, the default timeout in the current release of mailman is 30

I believe DSA are responsible for the list server.

- Lee Fuller
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 01:41:46PM +0000, Lee Fuller wrote:

> ​Hey there,
> I checked your email address using basic telnet and a measurement tool.
> I identified the likely physicality of your mailbox to be Cincinnati, and
> the
> server connecting to you in these measurements is in Texas.
> I ran the test in a handful of arrangements but I repeated the general
> routine
> enough times intentionally to discount causes of likely performance
> fluctuation.
> In both tests it is clear that an SMTP transaction takes as long as
> 10 seconds to conclude, and that is using plaintext SMTP without actually
> having
> transferred anything more than a formal greeting of machines.
> I doubt a list server of this size is configured to wait anywhere near 10
> seconds before considering an address unreachable.

RFC 5321, section lists the various timesouts that an SMTP client
SHOULD employ (noting that they MUST be per-command, not on the whole
transaction). They include:
* Time to Initial 220 message: 5 minutes
* Response to MAIL or RCPT command: 5 minutes
* Waiting for "354 Start Input" after issueing "DATA": 3 minutes
* Waiting for next command from server: 5 minutes

So, any client that disconnects after waiting only 10 seconds is, while not
explicitly spammy, at least poorly behaved.

> That's probably the cause of your issues as you describe them.
> ​
> -
> - Lee Fuller

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