On 12/30/15, to...@tuxteam.de <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm looking for recommendations for a GUI video editor for simple tasks
> (basically for cutting a video, and perhaps for fixing the audio track
> lag which sometimes creeps in).
> I have very little experience with video editing and myself are more
> of a command line junkie.
> For the user in question it has to be a GUI program. She is using
> avidemux at the moment, which more or less covers her needs, but
> forces her to have deb-multimedia as an extra package source. But
> it has a simple and clean UI, no setting up of "project files" and
> the like for just cutting a video. Something similar would be ideal.
> What could people here recommend?

I *LOVE* OpenShot. You actually helped *me* out because I had used
another program (that was a little over my pay grade), but couldn't
remember the name. Avidemux, it was. *grin*

OpenShot was a trial-and-error find. Possibly via a "apt-cache search"
query, even. It had a tiny bit of a learning curve for me because I
jump right in and start poking all the buttons instead of reading
how-tos for newly found Linux packages..

Overall, Openshot is fairly basic, very *cognitively friendly* (for
me), and yet you can pull together some pretty fanciful shtuff. My
videos are far from professional but I'm proud of a number of them k/t
specifically to OpenShot. Here's one that's an example of what you can
do with it:


That's a Tufted Titmouse (wild bird) pulling at a puff of dog hair
during nesting season.

OpenShot lets you alter the size of the video, the placement, the
speed, sound placement, sound levels, those kinds of things. You can
insert still shot overlays to convey messages in between.

Somehow in my own video editing self-teaching, I ended up using
Inkscape in tandem. I just tried to see if OpenShot was why. Ended up
being reminded that Blender is interactive there, too, if you just had
to have animated title pages. For plain intro and outro (opening and
closing messages) pages, something like GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation
Program) work fine.

Biggest hurdle I had was figuring out that my sound needed to be in
the first track and video and image files needed to be in the second
on out...

A particular joy to me through the whole experience has been that all
three programs (OpenShot, Inkscape, and Blender) are available for me
even with (still) only one main Debian repository in

Hope this helps a little.. :)


Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* speaking of runs with birdseed, here I go-o-o-o-o.... *

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