On Fri, 15 Jan 2016 16:37:48 -0500
Steve Matzura <s...@noisynotes.com> wrote:

> My new fledgling server is being slammed, and I mean slammed like
> Sandy slammed New York, by root login attacks from,
> ShenYang, China. Of course, I don't allow root logins except from the
> console or via ssh key pair, so I presume I'm safe that way, but I'd
> sure like to cut down on the log churning of /var/log/auth.log,
> particularly since it makes it harder to read that log to get the
> stuff I need to know out of it. My router (Fios Quantum gateway) is
> useless at blocking anything from the outside, so I've got to do it
> internally. What are folks' favorite deny-hosts applications? I tried
> installing DenyHosts, but it must be from a private repo because
> whatever I have in sources couldn't find it.
> Thanks in advance.

As an emergency fix, add the offending(s) ip(s) to your /etc/hosts.deny

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