on Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 03:20:04PM +0100, Christian Schnobrich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 14:05, Ed and Pat Reilly wrote:
> > HI,
> > I have setup debian on my pc along with windows 98 se. I've had redhat
> > and suse before and they recognized my cable connection and set it up.
> > How can I get debian to recognize my internet connection?
> Well, your mail lacks about every bit of information we might need to
> help you. Most likely your internet connection is a sort of ppp link
> (though I can't even be sure of that).
> 'man -k ppp' should list about a dozen manpages that might contain
> information applicable to your problem. Even if you can't fix it
> yourself, after reading the manpages you will be able to provide us with
> a few keywords on what exactly isn't working.
> Sorry, but "it used to work and now it doesn't" simply ain't enough.

...and in the spirit of providing guidance:

I'd very strongly recommend you read the following excellent essay by
Simon Tatham, "How to Report Bugs Effectively":


The essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" by Eric S. Raymond and
Rick Moen essay is is also good:


Please note that you are the person in the best position to know what
you're trying to do, what you've done, how the system's responded, and
generally how it's configured.  It's very helpful if you can post:

  - *Exact* commands or steps tried.
  - *Exact* error output or log messages.

Often, entering the error messages into a good search engine such as
AlltheWeb (http://www.alltheweb.com/) or Google (http://www.google.com/)
will help set you on the road to resolving your problems.

While others can offer suggestions, guidance, and experience, we cannot
see into either your mind or your machine's state.  This is very much a
case of "you have to help us help you".


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   zIWETHEY: Provocative, super smart, and oh yeah, just a little sexy.

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