Le lundi 08 février 2016 à 13:50 -0800, Patrick Bartek a écrit :
> Perhaps in days gone by: my OS prior to Wheezy -- Fedora 12 --
> was like that. Anything USB had to be mounted/unmounted manually.
> What a pain.  And if you unplugged without unmounting . . .  Yes, things
> could break. But with Wheezy which I've been using for 3+ years have
> had no problems with just plug/unplug. The only precaution is to check
> the drive activity light isn't flickering.

Just because you didn't lose data doesn't mean it's safe. All systems
are known to use caching, and GNOME frequently informs me, after having
asked to unmount my key, that I shouldn't unplug it until it has
finished to write data on it.

Additionally, I don't have any LED on this drive, which makes it even
more dangerous.

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