On Sun, 14 Feb 2016 20:48:30 +0100
"Thomas Schmitt scdbackup-at-gmx.net |Debian/Computer|"
<b5q1wzk...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> OS wrote:
> > Any time I do anything with apt-get, it ends with an error code
> > (1). It seems to have something to do with vim-tiny
> You did not show such an "anything" attempt. So it is hard to
> tell whether vim.tiny really is to blame.
> > mark@FrogBreath:~$ sudo apt-get remove vim.tiny
> > ...
> > update-alternatives: error: unable to read link
> > `/etc/alternatives/vi':
> There is supposed to be a symbolic link with that name, which
> points to one of the various /usr/bin/vim.* programs.
> On my Debian 8:
>   /etc/alternatives/vi -> /usr/bin/vim.basic
> choosing between
>   /usr/bin/vim.basic
>   /usr/bin/vim.tiny
> I'd check what kind of file is behind that path
>   ls -ld /etc/alternatives/vi
> If it is missing indeed, i'd check which /usr/bin/vim.* are present
>   ls -ld /usr/bin/vim.*
> and then create a link to one of them
>   sudo ln -s /usr/bin/vim.basic /etc/alternatives/vi
> If /etc/alternatives/vi exists, the further action depends on what
> file type it is. Normally one would remove or rename it and then
> create a link by ln -s as described above.
> Then i would test whether the "do anything" problems still occur.
> The proper existence or non-existence of vim-tiny should not interfere
> with unrelated apt-get operations.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Thank you Thomas.

As far as "do anything" is concerned, I will try to supply more complete
examples in the future.

It turns out that "/etc/alternatives/vi" was an executable and
"/usr/bin/vim.*" revealed only vim.tiny and vim.tutor. I moved vi to
vi.bak and created a link as you suggested to vim.tiny. I ran

    sudo apt-get update

and any my problem "seemed" to have disappeared. I have
since run

    sudo apt-get upgrade vim

and did not get the error message. Yea! Instead I now have vim.tiny and
vim.basic and the link previously discussed now points to vim.basic.

Again, I thank you for your assistance.

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