Some new information about SANE scanner problem:

Debian (scanner not working): libsane 1.0.24 libsane-common 1.0.24

Ubuntu (scanner working): libsane 1.0.23 libsane-common 1.0.23

To experiment, I used synaptic to remove everything related to SANE on
Debian Jessie, and then compiled SANE 1.0.23 from source on it. And then
command line SCANNING WORKED - Great!

Unfortunately, as soon as I reinstalled either XSane or SimpleScan,
synaptic reinstalled SANE 1.0.24 and then nothing worked again.

If these questions sound like I don't know what I'm doing, it's because
I don't know what I'm doing (amateur Debian user):

1) Is there some way I can install the older SANE 1.0.23 via Synaptic?
2) Alternatively, since SANE 1.0.22 was part of Wheezy - can that be
   installed via Synaptic on Jessie?

Hope someone can help!

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