On 3/22/2016 11:20 AM, Russell Gadd wrote:

Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it doesn't
solve the problem.

I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile,
~/.profile and ~/.bashrc:
echo "This is <scriptname>" &>>/tmp/out.txt

Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc
until I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it
appears that the profile files do not get invoked at any time.

I've even tried changing the PATH which is set at the top of
/etc/profile, but this doesn't work either, so it looks like profile
files are ignored altogether.

I did a search using terms that seemed like likely suspects if I expected the login shell stuff to get
sourced when a display manager is handling the login instead of the shell.

The first page of results I got where some combination of old, incomplete, and/or GDM specific. Even in the GDM case, I'm not sure if the documentation is correct for current versions of GDM
since I have not used GDM for a long time.

Sourcing '~/.profile' when the shell is not your login was more of a Redhat thing that other
distributions may or may not do.

I did see some bug reports which would probably have some relevant information in the

Create '~/.xprofile' and put your export commands and extra non-desktop specific stuff you
 always want to run there.


Later, Seeker

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