On Tue 29 Mar 2016 at 16:08:19 -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:

> Long before I joined this List, I purchased a DVD and a thumb device from
> LinuxCollections.  The DVD contained the first Jessie DVD, and, I'm guessing,
> the thumb device contained the rest.

You shouldn't have to guess; any OS should be capable of displaying its

> I kept the same partitions that I had had on my old squeezy install.
> the first was /boot, the fifth was /, the sixth was /usr, the seventh
> was /var, the eighth was swap, the ninth was /tmp and the tenth was
> /home.  The sizes I kept from  squeezy; all were overly generous(my HD
> is one TB.)

You haven't got a working installation so changing this strategy won't
do any harm.

Boot in expert mode and report on progress up to the partitioning stage.

Check on network connectivity with 'ping www.debian.org' from tty2. It

> I reformatted them all with ext4 at first, then later with
> ext3, which what my old system had.  [  Sorry for the vague terminology,
> I'm writing this on a loaner Windoze box many yards away from my
> own machine and documentation. ]

Delete all the partitions you have made on the disk and make one 20GB
ext4 partition. Swap of 2GB is sufficient. How does that go?

Install the base system, set up a mirror and untick all the choices when
installing all the extra software.
> The _many_ install attempts crashed at random points but after a while
> they congregated when I tried to choose a kernel.  After choosing a kernel
> one must then choose the associated drivers.  This crashed almost inevitably,
> although once I got through to stage where I received a black screen with
> the white text prompt 'grub>'.  This was before the kernel was booted, and
> I have no clue how to use this, even if I once again get this far.

The install will choose a kernel for you; accept it and choose all
drivers for the initrd. All ok up to there?

> I have tried choosing 'none' for a kernel.  But then one must choose an
> installer.  I've tried choosing grub, even tried using the ancient LILO.
> All produce red screens, indicating failures of one kind or other.

Chose GRUB. Install it to the MBR of the disk (/dev/sda?). Does it
report success?
> I have discovered the informative 'tty4' where the progress of the 
> installation
> is more copiously displayed.

If anything goes amiss you have that to look at. There is also the
command 'more /var/log/syslog' from tty2.

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