Terence wrote:

> As for "Germany is still officially occupied by the USA" I rather think
> that they would disagree! The military occupation of Germany ended in
> 1945...

What ended in your mind might not be true.
There is no piece treaty with Germany and USA. There is the so called 2+4
treaty (1990 I believe). If you look closer you would find a lot of
interesting/debatable facts around this treaty. It covers a formal piece
treaty, but is not such and the goal is to preserve what was established
via the "Grundgesetz" which means "basic low" and is translated as
constitution, but is not, because constitution is "Verfassung". The
constitution is from the people and in the name of the people, which
the "Grundgesetz" is not exactly.
It is debatable why Germany does not have real constitution 70y after the
WWII but it is a fact.
The fact is that the "basic law" imposed by the Allies after 1945 (I think
it was signed 49) is still the official constitution of Germany.

> Remember, internet search engines are your friend!

I prefer the books my friend and urge you to do so. Amazing facts you'll
find ;-). Facts that contradict massmedia and official state propaganda.

I know it might be painful for some of you, as it was for me, but well I did
my part in research, it's up to you to do yours.

The most shocking for me is that most of the interpretation of history we
had in school or I watched on TV is crap for one reason or another. One
should read always the original documents if possible.

Anyway I wish you all the best

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