----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian" <a...@cityscape.co.uk>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2016 3:18:49 PM
Subject: Re: Modified Rapture<g>, and a new question

On Sat 02 Apr 2016 at 16:42:35 -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:

>          Well, it doesn't contain emacs or tex or mutt, or ImageMagick.  Why 
> are you
>          telling me what it 'should' have?

I have touched on this in another post but here is a fuller answer:
       I owe Brian an apology.  When asked to put in my DVD, I put it into my
       _second_ DVD/CD drive, which is what I used to install.  Now I have
       detached my USB-connected CD/DVD reader-writer, and I have made a lot
       of progress.  But I am still having problems; see below.

assume it is DVD-1. This image contains mutt and ImageMagick. That is
why you are being told it "'should' have". Why you think it doesn't is a
        <G> solved now, I hope!  Now my progress report: after futzing around 
        trying to install this and that, I decided to bite the bullet/go with 
        flow, and install GNOME, the whole thing.  Which I did, and it took just
        short of an hour.  For some reason, Libreoffice was not installed.  I 
        I can get it later, since I know no other method of reading the 
        .doc and .docx files that come my way.
        [  By the way: I could and did get  emacsen-common, but still have no 
        emacs.  How does one get such?  ]

        Result of my GNOME install:  I typed   'startx'  from my command line, 
and I
        got a beautiful blue screen, a delight to the eye after days of 
perusing tiny
        characters on a black display.  And in the middle of the blue screen 
there was
        a handsome mouse arrow, which moved around elegantly when controlled by 
my right

        And that was _all_!!  No icons, nothing to click on . . . I typed on 
the keyboard,
        no reaction . . .   There must be some simple way to get a proper GNOME 
        but since I've never used it before, I wonder if someone can give me a 

> I hope for further responses from people who have _answers_, although I'll 
> try to
> respond to questions of significance.  To repeat: I want to know how to 
> install
> SW that I need from off the thumb drive(aka USB stick)
         That's another discovery I've made.  The data on the DVD and the data 
         the thumb drive are exactly the same!  I don't know why 
         offers such a silly coupling for sale.  As I wrote previously, I 
         there was some 'new technology' going on.  Not so at all.

You have had responses from people who have answers. None of them appear
to meet your "significance" criterion. Repeating your question again is
unlikely to produce better answers. Responding to a mail or two might
get you further on.
         An unfair charge, Brian.  I've done a _lot_ of work, learning about and
         coping with a Debian version totally unlike the one's I've used before.
         I have paid attention to, and benefitted from, and acknowledged the
         help of several people.  Other people.

         As someone elsewhere has remarked: an experienced user, familiar with
         Debian, should be able to install a new version in a half hour.  This 
         experience -- and I'm not done yet -- has taken me _days_.  I still 
         know why.

Best wishes to all, and I hope Brian is satisfied<g>


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