I can't speak for anyone else, but I found systemd to be ridiculously 
counterintuitive and poorly documented when I was first exposed to it.  To this 
day, the standard GUI configurator for it (systemadm) is so limited as to be 
nearly useless; and I find hand-configuring a new service to be a major 
exercise only to be undertaken with several manpages open.  It's better now, 
but I'm not persuaded that the learning curve was worth the supposed benefits 
of the new system.
Slackware's old fashioned BSD-style startup scripts are starting to look very 
attractive to me (I don't have to learn a new language to write or customize 

On April 17, 2016 6:00:10 AM MDT, Eike Lantzsch <zp6...@gmx.net> wrote:
>On Sunday 17 April 2016 11:48:16 Mark Fletcher wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 3:19 PM Michael Milliman <
>> michael.e.milli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I've never really
>> > liked systemd, though I must admit it does work and do the job -- I
>> > like the simplicity of the init system better.  Admittedly, I may
>> > be undereducated on systemd resulting in my prejudice.
>> Speaking of prejudice -- question to the list in general -- why the
>> in the linux community about systemd? I read the "I'm changing
>> because I don't like systemd" type blog posts, and the "Debian devs
>> evil for forcing systemd on us" and so on -- and then I tried it.
>I've even
>> built a LFS system using it. I really, really can't see what the fuss
>> about. Yes, it's complicated, but then init was quite capable of
>> the living daylights out of me as well...
>> It seems the emotions, even now, are running too high to be simply
>> "if it ain't broke don't fix it". What am I missing?
>> Mark
>All the pros and cons of system.d have been discussed and ranted about
>and can be easily found in the archives. I personally don't think that
>it is 
>necessary to go through those discussions again.
>Easily one can slip some emotional comment [sigh!] (sic) into a posting
>but it 
>is unnecessary to jump on it - no?
>All the best to y'all

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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