On Mon, 2 May 2016 20:32:17 +0300
Piyavkin <piyav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> And by mentioned «professional parasites and criminals» I meant in the 
> first place exactly those people who live by criminal, fraud,
> deception, and literally at other's expense. Which is by definition a
> description of lumpen-proletariat (declassified) stratum.

One could however very well argue that your above definition applies
much better to a certain kind of economically very successful people than
to what you call "lumpen-proletariat".
I would by the way strongly request to dismiss the use of the word
"parasite" when speaking about human beings, since  - speaking frankly -
this sounds a lot like nazi-speech, though I of course don't want to
insinuate that anything like that was intended by you. Maybe it is just
that here in germany my ears are more sensitive to this kind of speech.



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Respect is a rational process
                -- McCoy, "The Galileo Seven", stardate 2822.3

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