On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 10:25 PM, Stanley Reznicek <stanleyrezni...@att.net>
>  Why is there no update notifier in Debian 8.4.0?

It's been replaced by gnome-packagekit.

> A better selection of desktop wallpapers would be nice.

A little silly to keep more than a basic selection in the packages at this
point, as tastes vary widely and Google Image Search, Imgur, and eleventy
other sites are out there catering to every imaginable taste.

> One more question, is remote root login disabled and how should it read in
> the sshd configuration file?

Default is currently to allow root login by known key only. This can be
changed in /etc/ssh/sshd_config by changing the statement "PermitRootLogin
without-password" to "PermitRootLogin no".

> There is a warning during boot up that says Open BSD secure shell server
> not started. Could this be a cosmetic bug?

 You might check your logs to see what's going on if you have
openssh-server installed.

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