On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 11:05:13AM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hi Haines,

> I had thought that the "sde1" in your ncdu output was some sort of
> header representing the / device, but having installed ncdu and run
> it myself I am inclined to agree with Juergen that it is actually a
> file.

And so it is. I must have seen /sde1, but it failed to register on my
octogenarian brain. I moved it into storage and my full disk problem is
gone. Hard to know what that file is. The file command says it is data.
It may be an ISO. I'll eventually delete it.

> Perhaps you have tried to write an image to a USB key at /dev/sde1
> but done a typo and actually written to /sde1, thus creating that
> file?

Yes, so it seems.

Thanks for the help, but should have discovered the source of the
problem on my own.


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