Jude DaShiell wrote:
> For the audiophiles, if a jack2 discussion list exists that will probably be
> another good list to join.  It could be discussion of what jack2 can do that
> alsa cannot may happen and in that happy event you'll get a knowledge of
> what to use when and why.

JACK and JACK2 are two implementations of the same API,
so you don't need to restrict yourself to JACK2 mailing
list even if you are using JACK2.

The archlinux wiki references on JACK and ALSA are an
excellent starting point, and I would suggest going there
*before* going to the mailing list.

In short, JACK is often used for music production, where you
want to hook several components together, for example a
synth that feeds its audio outputs to a DAW.


Joel Roth

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