Lisi Reisz wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 May 2016 23:56:02 Richard Hector wrote:
>> On 01/06/16 07:31, Lisi Reisz wrote:
>> > Now to do what I really wanted to do all along, and ssh in to run level
>> > one as root:
>> >
>> > lisi@Tux-II:~$ ssh root@
>> > ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
>> > lisi@Tux-II:~$ ssh lisi@
>> Run level one? AKA single user mode? I wouldn't expect to find sshd
>> running in single user mode. Without checking, I'm not sure I'd even
>> expect networking to be up.
>> Richard
> Yes, I had come to the conclusion that that was probably the problem.  
> Networking does appear to be up since nmap found a host having scanned
> the ports.

You'll need to reset the init script to fire at runlevel 1.  Not sure
how you go about this in a systemd setup.

That being said, the 'init' manpage has the following warning:

# On  a  Debian  system,  entering  runlevel 1 causes all processes to be
# killed except for kernel threads and the script that does  the killing
# and other processes in its session.  As a consequence of this, it isn't
# safe to return from runlevel 1 to a multi-user runlevel:  daemons that
# were  started  in runlevel S and are needed for normal operation are no
# longer running.  The system should be rebooted.

I'm not sure if this holds for systemd-init though.

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