On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 11:15:22PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> On Friday 03 June 2016 21:00:52 Alan McConnell wrote:
> > I would be very grateful for any aid.  Just to show how bad things
> > are:  I try to access  http://localhost:631 on my iceweasel and I get
> > the message:  Unable to connect.    ? ? ? ?    Aaaarrrrgghhh!!
> You said that you purged CUPS.  Since you have removed it, how do you expect 
> iceweasel to connect to it?????  That doesn't show me "how bad things are", 
> it shows me that you have successfully removed CUPS.
        <sigh>  Sorry for the misunderstanding.  I was describing how
        bad things _were_.  I really wasn't trying to run cups after I had
         -- partially -- purged it.


Alan McConnell :  http://globaltap.com/~alan/
    The beauty of an object, a song, or a dance can never be altogether
    intrinsic, independent of old associations and acquired understanding.

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