On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 5:34 AM David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com>

> On 06/04/2016 04:11 AM, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> I assume you've implemented backup, restore, imaging, archiving, etc..
> dd'ing the 500 GB onto the second SSD should work.
> But, if it were my box:
> 1.  Buy a 16+ GB SSD to use as the i7-920 system drive, install and
> connect to motherboard SATA-0 port (dev/sda), and do a fresh install
> with MBR and three partitions -- ext4 boot, LUKS random key swap, and
> LUKS btrfs root.
> 2.  Install the two 960 GB SSD's.  Set up each with GPT partition table,
> one large partition, and LUKS.  Put RAID1 copy-on-write (COW) file
> system on top -- mdadm RAID1 plus btrfs, LVM RAID1 plus btrfs, btrfs
> with RAID1 (if supported), or ZFS on Linux (ZOL) mirror.
> 3.  If you choose ZOL, leave space on the system drive, add a fourth
> partition with LUKS, and use it for the L2ARC.
> 4. If you're going to use this as a headless SOHO file server, a USB 3.0
> flash drive could work as your system drive.  If you do this and also
> choose ZOL, it would be best to use another USB 3.0 flash drive for the
> L2ARC.
Thanks all for the comments. So I have one vote for fresh install, one vote
for copy, and one vote for do something completely different and turn the
box into something else because.. RAID. I think.

The box is my main desktop system, and yes it would p*ss me off something
chronic if it went down for any length of time, but it wouldn't be
critical, no revenue loss etc. So backups are good enough. My critical,
revenue-affecting machines are all outside my home. So I don't think I'll
bother going RAID at this time. Also if I understand correctly, this option
would end up reducing my available space from 1.5TB in HDD land to 1TB (or
960GB) in SSD land, which is also a disadvantage.

The LVM idea is useful, and may allow me to put the extra space on the
first disk to good use by potentially combining it with space from the
second disk. I will look into that. Could do that even if I were doing a
fresh install. Thanks for that idea!

I am then faced with the choice of the "Fresh install to new SSD followed
by copy" option or the "cp -a" option. I assume I'd need to have not booted
from the main disk in the latter case because if I had, for example, /dev
would contain  ton of stuff I don't want to / can't copy, ditto /proc etc.
In other words it would be harder to separate what is actually on the old
disk as opposed to in the Linux file system. Whereas if the disk was
mounted somewhere like /mnt copying what is actually on the disk becomes

I think both these options have one potential pitfall, which is file
ownership after the copy over of stuff I want to salvage from the outgoing
HDD. If I do a fresh install, no guarantee that user IDs will be the same
on the new system as I of course don't remember now what order I installed
stuff in. My regular user ID created during install will no doubt get the
same ID (although even that is not guaranteed as this machine started life
as etch, if I remember rightly, then was upgraded to squeeze, then to
wheezy, and finally to Jessie). And I don't remember exactly when I
installed, for example, mysql in relation to other stuff. So I could have
some fun and games copying stuff over from the old disk to the new from
that perspective. Any clever ploys to deal with that? I suppose avoid the
install and copy from new to old having booted from old is one way, but
then how do I copy only what's actually on the disk eg avoid virtual

The big advantage of the fresh install though is that the install will take
care of grub which is a plus. I could do that manually but would be afraid
of effing it up.

Hmmmm, much to ponder. Thanks all for your thoughts.


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