On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 18:33, Bill Moseley wrote:
> I plugged in Knoppix 3.3 and noticed both better fonts and a number of
> Xinerama problems gone over my X4.2 Sid setup.  On Xinerama problem that
> was fixed was the display of text on the wrong monitor.
> What's involved in installing the 4.3 packages from experimental.  Are
> people using that package without major problems at this time?

Originally sent only to Bill... I hit reply instead of reply to list...
Ooops. Sorry Bill.

I have been using the current lineage of 4.3.0 Xfree back when it was
only available as 4.3.0-ds[1234] from one of the X-Force developers.

Currently, I am using 2.6.0-test9 with 4496-2.1 nVidia Module and
XFree86 v4.3.0-0pre1v4

I play heavy GL games, use Every stinking GL screensaver I can... It
just works.

Only real problem... Gnome2.4 ... just doesn't wanna be friendly,

I switched to Metacity (Meh-tass-ity) and use "devilspie" Devil's Pie...
to replace the sawfish functionality Metacity doesn't have... and what
do I get... a really lean Window Manager that does everything I need.

BTW, DP is not just for Metacity... WM, BB and so on can use it too.

REMEMBER ED CURRY! http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry

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