On 17/06/2016 10:58, Francesco Montanari wrote:
I recently installed Jessie on a Lenovo ThinkPad T420. The fan usage
looks reasonable. However, high temperatures (96 C) are reached when
CPUs are running intensively for more than one minute or so. The fan
speed at those temperatures is about 4500 rpm.
Back when I had a ThinkPad, I found it would shut itself down at around that temperature. I also found that 4500 RPM isn't exactly the highest speed the fan can run.

I wrote https://github.com/theothertom/thinkpad-temp_mon to control the fan and have it spin faster over 80C. Before you have a go, note that I've not touched that code in >4 years (and don't have a thinkpad any more), so it might take a bit of poking before it works.

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