Today 01:35:32

>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 01:19:41AM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote:
>> I've been seeing a lot of discussions about various WM's lately, and
>> everyone seems to be extremely concerned about easy workspace switching.
>> I'm just wondering what exactly everyone uses workspaces for? Every once
>> in a while, if I'm doing two things at once that each require 5 windows
>> a piece, I'll use two desktops/workspaces, but I don't think I've ever
>> really gone over that. That leads me to believe that there's some
>> unrealized benefit that I'm missing out on. So what do you use your
>> workspaces for, and why are they so important?

>I use exactly 2 virtual desktops and Fluxbox:

>Desktop 1 has 4 terminals.  Desktop 2 has mozilla basically full-screen.
>Flux lets me use the mouse-wheel to alternate them.  More than two, and 
>it's not as efficient to "flip" bing-bang between them; I have to stop 
>and think about where I want to stop.  With 2 it's just a muscle twitch, 
>no cerberal activity required.

>Sometimes other windows will float transitively above them.  If I need 
>an app to stay around for a while, I'll tab-dock it with one of the 
>terminals, or tab-dock it with Moz if it needs lots of real estate.

>I love it.  I keep trying fancier things but get no additional benefit.  
>Like I said, more than 2, and I have to expend mental energy.

It took me the longest time to really start to use more than one Workspace. I 
was trapped into how Windows only uses one Workspace, unless you have special 
programs that provide the extra Workspaces.  Back then I had dual monitors so 
I have plenty of window real estate, but a ton of minimized windows.  

But in Linux I started to play with workspaces, I use 3 workspaces on a dual 
monitor setup.  I use Workspace 3 for my Kmail and email and a browser window 
pointing to a whois search sites for Spam.  I use Workspace 2 for terminals, 
like xterm or lcdproc server, and I have a browser on one screen also, I 
might have linux sites in this with tabbed pages. Workspace 1 is dedicated 
for system stats, like top, and I have a RC5-72 going in one window, with a 
browser that points to news sites. Or a newsreader, or a vnc session of 
another system. 

I must confess I find dual monitors much, much, much more convient then many 
workspaces.  I would rather give up my workspaces than my monitors.  But then 
if I had to use a single monitor I would really want workspaces.  Dual 
monitors saves you time, and is a ton easier than having to switch between 
workspaces, or minimize windows.

If you want to know more about dual or more monitors you might want to check 
this site out.

This points to the gallery of people who sent in pictures of their systems, it 
might be slanted to windows but is has one of the best gallery's.  Just point 
and clickity click.


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