
On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 04:06:43PM -0000, Frank Miles wrote:
> I have two jessie systems with kvm-qemu virtualized Windows7 guest OSs.
> These are mostly working well (including guest inter-networking) to
> the extent that I use Windows, with one glaring exception: when I try
> to do a Windows Update - the process never finds anything to do, nor does
> it ever terminate.  Ordinary Windows systems (belonging to other users)
> are finding lots of updates and fairly quickly.
> One of these is my home computer (Win7Pro); the other is my work computer
> (Win7Enterprise).  Both were afflicted approx the same time (not sure exactly
> when, I use the Win7 guests less than once/wk).

Are they on the same network?

> I've talked to our network/user-systems techs/admins, and they haven't a
> clue.  They recommend their usual solution - full reinstall of Windows.
> A hideous amount of time (ISTM) especially for my home system on a slow
> internet feed.

Since this is a problem in a windows VM (probably in a Debian host?),
this is barely applicable to the list, but I'll bite...

Sounds like general network gremlins... A couple of things that spring
to mind:

(1) Can the windows boxes ping e.g. ? If not, then network
    connectivity is likely broken...

(2) Can the windows boxes resolve names? E.g. ping www.google.com ?
    If not, then DNS resolution is borked...

(3) IP address collisions: If two systems on the same network have the
    same IP address, then you will get inconsistent results...  To see
    whether a box suffers from this, obtain it's IP address and
    disconnect it from the network. If the IP address is still
    pingable (or just arping'able), then this is a red flag...

Hope this helps
Karl E. Jorgensen

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