Le 22/07/2016 à 20:07, Richard Owlett a écrit :

The partition will be marked "read only" *AFTER* install.

May I ask how you intend to do this ?

AFAIK, there is no persistent way to mark a partition or filesystem read-only. GPT partition table entries have a read-only flag but it seems to be ignored.

An ext2/3/4 filesystem can be mounted read-only, but this is only a mount-time option. tune2fs does not provide any option to mount it read-only permanently.

A block device can be set read-only with the following command :

blockdev --setro /dev/<device>

but this is not persistent either and must be done at each boot by an initscript, systemd service or udev rule.

I wish to "almost clone" sda5 to [sda6, sda7, sda8].

I had figured out, but wanted to be sure there was no misunderstanding.

I hope that makes more sense.

Quite. I have cloned a root partition on the same disk in order to do some experiments on the cloned system. I think I just changed the UUID and label in the filesystem metadata and in /etc/fstab.

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