Why is it w, who, and finger truncate an ipv6 address just after the first
4 characters of the address (the first :)?

% who
mgrant   pts/1        2016-07-18 06:15 (2a00:S.1)

% w
 18:37:31 up 4 days, 12:26,  4 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.07, 0.05
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
mgrant   pts/1    2a00:S.1         Mon06    4days  0.02s  0.02s /bin/bash

%  finger
Login     Name            Tty      Idle  Login Time   Office     Office
mgrant    Michael Grant   pts/1      4d  Jul 18 06:15 (2a00:S.1)

The 'last' command does a little better, it truncates at 16 characters:

mgrant   pts/0        2a00:23c4:6d10:4 Fri Jul 22 18:04:00 2016   still
logged in

netstat does a little better still but not much:

tcp6       0   2640 2600:3c00::ffff:9:22 2a00:23c4:6d10:4d:36663
ESTABLISHED 12345/sshd: mgrant

It seems near impossible to find out what the ip address someone is logged
in from when they come in via ipv6.  tcpdump -n seems about the only way.

This seems so basic.  Could all of these programs except tcpdump be broken
with respect to displaying ipv6 addresses?

Michael Grant

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