On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 07:29:33PM -0400, Maureen L Thomas wrote:
> The computer is the acer the screen I use with it is the hp w2007

In any discussion about video drivers, or X failing to start, the
primary piece of information you need in order to make any progress
on the problem at all is "which video chipset is being used".

You discover this by running "lspci -nn".

Once we know the video chipset, we may either jump straight to
"Oh yeah, video chipset XXX needs driver YYY, so you just do ZZZ",
or there may be some uncertainty about which driver/version to use,
in which case someone may ask to see your Xorg log file.

But definitely start by identifying the video chipset.  Post the
entire output of "lspci -nn" here.

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