On Friday 19 August 2016 23:31:11 Brian wrote:
> On Fri 19 Aug 2016 at 17:59:06 -0400, Maureen L Thomas wrote:
> > Ok, so I got rid of the windows machine and found a card that fit the old
> > machine.  It needs the rtl_nic driver to work.  Fine I have that firmware
> > and the needed driver on a USB stick and on an iso disk for stretch.  The
> > USB is just the firmware for these type of cards.  I must be losing my
> > mind because I cannot remember how to get the driver to install off of
> > the USB to my existing weezy system.  Thank you for even reading this but
> > I need help. I did try apt-get install but it didn't find the file on the
> > USB>
> "rtl_nic" means little to me; it might resonate more with others. Why do
> you need a driver for it?
> Please give the *exact* names of the firmware and driver you have on the
> USB stick and say where you got them from.

How did you install the system?  Why not use the same system (a DVD set??) to 


Or did you have internet connectivity, installed from there, and then lost it?

Otherwise, cp the .deb, if it is a .deb, on your usb stick to the computer and 
dpkg -i it??  As has been said, you haven't really given enough information.


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