I am using debian stretch and gnome.

When I plug in a usb external drive with four partitions (including ext4,
ntfs, fat32) they are mounted automatically, but when I click on any of
them in files or dolphin, this message is received: The location could not
be displayed.  You do not have the permissions..."

I am able to read these files as root.  Even in the command line, however,
a normal user can only see: Permission denied.

Trying to mount by label:
    # mount Label=<label> /mnt/<mountpoint>
   I see "special device <label> does not exist

I am able to mount any of them with a simple "mount /dev/sdcX
/mnt/<mountpoint>, and they are accessible.  They are not shown
automatically on dolphin, although Iall files are visible when I navigate
to the mountpoint and click in files or dolphin.

I tried changing permissions of /media.  Not solved.

an NTFS partition was not mountable unless dismounted from the automatic
mount point; as far as I can see, this is not the case for vfat or ext4

I did copy a udev rule for setting permissions---something above my level
of understanding, however.  If anything, the situation was worse.

It has been very frustrating to google for 2 hours on this probably very
simple problem.  I think the solution is just to mount them manually.
Still, it would be helpful to automount them, or mount via fstab.  I have
not had success mouting by label, and one does not know in advance whether
some usb flash drive might preempt these drive designations.

BTW I am pleased to be running a Debian system again after some years.  It
took a good deal of work, though, to get it set up on an iMac with a
broadcom wifi adaptor!

Alan Davis

[I do not] carry such information in my mind since it is readily
available in books. …The value of a college education is not the
learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think.
          ---Albert Einstein

"Sweet instruments hung up in cases. . . keep their sounds to themselves."

         ---Shakespeare, _Timon of Athens_

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