(Please excuse my cc to Mr Cater)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew M.A. Cater" <amaca...@galactic.demon.co.uk>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 2:42:28 PM
Subject: Re: How to get Jessie to run at boot time

On Fri, Sep 09, 2016 at 01:58:03PM -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:
> This one should be _real_ easy!
        .  .  .  .  .

> But I don't know how to get my new Jessie to boot!  Back when I had one of my
> first Linuxes and MS-DOS on my system, one got a prompt: "L or M" as soon as
> one turned on the computer.  Things are now more subtle I'm sure, and they are
> too subtle for me!
> So can someone who also has a dual-bootable system(with Windows 10 and Jessie)
> please tell me how you choose, at boot-time, which of your systems you wish to
> boot?

> Boot your install medium - enter rescue mode - reinstall grub?
         I tried Rescue Mode.  Maybe I'm not doing it right, but I got thrown 
         "Chose language", "Choose Keyboard" . . . just as if I were doing a 
         install.  ? ? ?

But I don't need that.  I played with the BIOS a little, and now I boot 
into my new Jessie.  I am busy installing stuff and getting stuff off of 
backups, etc . . 
But I'd still like to be asked, right after I turn the machine on, which OS I'd 
to boot.

My present /boot/grub/ directory contains minimal stuff:
     fonts/ , grub.cfg , grubenv , i386-pc/ , locale/ , unicode.pf2

But when I run    apt-cache search grub  , it shows me a lot more stuff that I
could install.  So I ask again, this time from a position of being able to 
and configure  grub , how do I do it, and make it give me a good clean choice of
OS when I turn my machine on in the morning?

I hope that this is the place to ask; or is there an E-list full of grub 


Alan McConnell

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