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Stephan Beck wrote:
> Dan Purgert:
>> Mark Fletcher wrote:
>>> If I'm reading the above right, it looks like the server is offering an
>>> rsa key to authenticate itself, but won't accept rsa to authenticate the
>>> client. Which is a bit cheeky.
>>> You may need a key created with a stronger method, such as ecdsa or
>>> ed25519.
>> Could even be as simple as he sent a /different/ key across (e.g. he
>> sent "home-key.pub", which corresponds to "home-key_rsa" rather than
>> "id_rsa").
> No. I wrote that I /checked/ the public key copied to the server after
> having copied it to the server's ~/.ssh directory. I edited it with a
> text editor and compared it with the one I have in local ~/.ssh

I think you misunderstood what I was saying.  I was supposing that you
copied a valid (yet "incorrect") key to the remote server, or tried to
authenticate with the wrong private key.

For example, I have in my user's .ssh/ directory:

id_rsa -> symlink to home_lan_rsa
VPS_id_rsa -> private key for uploading to a VPS
home_lan_rsa -> private key for use on my LAN.

Assuming that I copied the right public key to the VPS, if I run the
command "ssh me@vps", it'll fail, because ssh by default tries to
authenticate with "id_rsa". _FIX:_ change the ssh command to "ssh -i
.ssh/VPS_id_rsa me@vps"

Assuming that I copied the wrong public key to one of my "home" devices,
the command "ssh me@lan_host" would fail because "id_rsa" isn't the
proper private key for the VPS_id. _FIX:_ correct .ssh/authorized_keys
on the remote host.

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