On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 5:34 PM, Tony Baldwin <tonybald...@gmx.com> wrote:
> MY first thought was,"
> Emacs?! People still use the crusty old thing?
> Perhaps he consider dumping that monstrosity and joining the rest of us in
> the 21st Century, and upgrade to a modern OS with a proper editor, such as
> Debian 8/Jessie with Vim!"

Yes. People use Emacs. There is no one solution that fits all. You can
check this for yourself by reading the statistics from popcon[1] or by

% apt-cache search --names-only "^vim$"  | grep -v "vim-" | popsort.py
1210 vim - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor

% apt-cache search --names-only "^emacs$" | popsort.py
3216 emacs - GNU Emacs editor (metapackage)

which shows that both editors are equally popular but vim a bit more
(rank of 1210 vs 3216).

[1] - http://popcon.debian.org/by_inst
[2] - popsort.py is a python script I wrote to get the popularity
rank. It can be downloaded from
https://gitlab.com/d3k2mk7/rutils/blob/master/bin/popsort.py .

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi | http://raju.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Blog

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