On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 11:00:13 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 03:51:27PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > The People
> > can continue to say what they want but it does not change the fact that
> > the official name of the software is CUPS.
> Yes, that is the new Official Name.

Good. Glad we sorted that out.

> Nobody(*) gives a flying leap what the Official Name is.  The question was
> what CUPS stands for.  It stands for Common Unix (or UNIX) Printing System.

Nobody reading the official documentation or source code would find
anything which says what CUPS stands for.
> (*) Except lawyers, and you.

I wouldn't want to disrespect the work of the KDE folk by calling their
software the "K Desktop Environment". That's all apart from it being


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