On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 1:06 AM, Michael Milliman
<michael.e.milli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The first of the problems with the Stretch installation rendered it
> unbootable, though I had a fair idea as to what that problem was and was
> able to get the system to the point where it will boot and allow logins.
> What I would like to do is get in touch (probably off-list) with the various
> people working on Stretch and help work on solving the issues I have and am
> experiencing.

This mailing list is as good as any. It is better to avoid private
discussions as others might also benefit from your discussion (ex:-
when searching through archives).

> This, of course, will involve filing bug reports, but I want
> to make sure that those reports are filed on the appropriate packages and
> with sufficient information to help in tracking down the problems.

Use the reportbug tool to report bugs. That application will gather
all the system level information, versions of installed dependencies
etc., If you are unsure which package is responsible, a good starting
point is to figure out a way to consistently reproduce the bug and
then ask on this list.

>  I do not have a lot of time, unfortunately, to actually do much
> debugging and/or patch developing, though I do have the programming skill
> necessary to do such had I had the time and familiarity with the packages
> involved.  So, the question is, who do I need to be in touch with and in
> what forum to participate in the development process as outlined above?

AFAIK there is no dedicated group/forum that can help individual users
on a one-on-one basis to debug problems. If you are willing to pay for
this that is a different question!

hope that helps
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi | http://raju.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Blog

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