On 10/28/2016 4:14 AM, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 03:45:21PM +0000, rbraun204 . wrote:
I have a couple of debian boxes in very remote areas that are connected back to
our wan via a 56kbps satellite link.  Most of the time we have a constant
stream of data coming/going to that machine so the link is saturated quite a

Normally, I'd suggest looking into running a private mirror and
rsyncing it, but with only one machine at each location, that's

I think you may want to look into apt-zip: This will decouple the
download from apt, allowing you to get the data xferred by whatever
method works (rsync?), and picking up the xferred file on the remote
location with apt...

Unfortunately, apt-zip has been discontinued - last appears in wheezy,
but it may still work or be made to work?  It seems aimed at your
exact use case...

Failing that I can imagine other (hand-crafted) solutions with these

- make sure /etc/sources.list (and /etc/sources.list.d) are identical

- rsync /var/lib/apt/* across

- on the remote end: run:

     apt-get upgrade --print-uris  # or similar

- grab the URLs

- download the *.debs and rsync them into /var/cache/apt/archives/

- on the remote end:

     apt-get upgrade

This is entirely off the top of my head, but with a bit more thought
and scripting, it _should_ work...

Hope this helps

Would apt-offline be appropriate? It is a maintained Debian package.

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