On 10/25/2016 11:42 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 11:33:23AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 10/25/2016 10:40 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:
The simplest way would be to synchronize your UID across all your
installed operating systems.  If your UID is, let's say, 1000 on every
system, and the files on the partition are owned by user 1000, then
user 1000 (you) will have ownership of the files whenever you mount
the partition.

That sounds like what I want.
I had previously created a ext2 partition on /dev/sda10 and a
label of jessie-dvds .
How do I inform the "WORLD" that it belongs to UID 1000?

Err... what?  I don't understand what you're asking.

You boot into an installed operating system.  Let's say it's Debian

You login as some user account.  Let's say it's "richard" with UID 1000.

Now you are richard, and you are UID 1000.

When the partition is mounted, any files on it that are owned by UID
1000 are yours for the taking.  You are UID 1000, even if the files
were created by UID 1000 from a different operating system.

Right now when I attempt to mount it, I am asked for root password.
Not acceptable.

So your actual question is how to *mount* the partition?  In the fstab
file, include the "user" option to allow non-root users to mount the
partition.  Better still, just make the partition mount automatically
at boot time (defaults).

Is there a particular reason you wanted the partition NOT to be mounted
by default, and to require the logged-in user to enter a command?

I have just re-read this entire thread and have my thought process joggled by some apparently unrelated posts.

I'll attempt to refine my problem definition.
My primary use case is a laptop:
  1. purchased explicitly for use as a test bed.
  2. whose HD has been erased multiple times in ONE day.
  3. is isolated from ANY network.
  4. has multiple installs of Debian, primarily classed as:
a. a full GUI install - what one would get choosing all installer defaults.
     b. a GUI install limited to the tools I use routinely.
     c. an install oriented to whatever my current experiment needs.
  5. has 2 classes of "DATA Partitions":
a. those which UID 1000 may mount without entering any password. b. those which *ANY* user may mount only by using root password. The second use case is an existing machine with WinXP which is why I do not wish these "DATA Partitions" to be Windows readable.

My original question had (apparently incorrectly assume that partitions handled user/group/world permissions in the same manner as file systems.

I gather that I can approximately solve the problem with appropriate entries in /etc/fstab (pointer to good tutorial please). That approach has short comings:
   1. requires custom editing of /etc/fstab for each install.
   2. requires custom editing of /etc/fstab for each install
      whenever a partition is added.

Clearer than mud? ;/

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