On 2016-11-03 Karen Lewellen wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here at shellworld we are using Ubuntu 16.04  with elinks compiled to 
> support java scripting.
> I am working with the partner indigogo site generosity,
> www.generosity.com
> even in elinks  the site does not allow one to log in or create an 
> account.
> Now, just for kicks, I tried visiting the same site in lynx but with the 
> send user agent  function turned off.
> I do not know what lynx uses if you turn off the send user agent feature, 
> but such often gets me past problem places, and  such was the case with 
> generosity.com
> So, I am wondering about the elinks user agent.
> The site may work better in general with elinks, if I can get it to work, 
> and since the user agent seemed to help, I wanted to try this possibility.
> Thoughts?
> Kare


Elinks has an interactive configuration system accessible with
F10. What you need here is this:

F10 -> "Setup" -> "Options manager" -> "Protocols" (expand options
list with the '+' key) -> "HTTP" -> "User-agent identification" and
then push the "Edit" button. There you can craft your own
user-agent header. Setting it to " " causes Elinks to send no
user-agent header at all.

HTH, Morten

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