On 05/11/16 14:19, Christian Seiler wrote:
By default for security reasons the current directory is not in the
PATH environment variable on Linux.

I will never again permit "." in my $PATH since the day I tried to run killall (meaning /usr/bin/killall) while in /etc/init.d on a production Red Hat server. Unbeknownst to me, a "helpful" fellow admin had put "." at the front of root's $PATH, so /etc/init.d/killall ran (part of the shutdown process) and left the system in an unusable hung state, requiring me to obtain physical access, perform a hard reset, and go into hiding.

+1 for ./scriptname or scripts installed in well-defined bin directories that have a well-considered order on the $PATH.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
Transient Software Limited <http://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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