Thanks Miles (and also Dan P and Celejar for other solutions).

Indeed Firefox has an archive format (maybe called 'maff'?), but how
could you mail it to yourself?

That is, how could you mail the maff without taking your hands off the
keyboard, or switching apps or something like that?

Ideally, the way it would work is you find a blog post or something
that you like, then you go to a drop-down menu, and select 'mail this
to me'.  Are there any plugins that are so savvy?

TIA for any info, and thanks again Dan P and Celejar.


On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 6:47 PM, Miles Fidelman
<> wrote:
> On 11/5/16 6:01 PM, Dan Hitt wrote:
>> Does anybody know of a piece of software that you can give an URL to,
>> and it will then fetch the url and email the contents to you?
>> This could be a stand-alone app on the desktop, or a plug-in to a
>> browser, or a web site, or some combo.  (I guess it could be a
>> pipeline of curl and some mail program, but i'm afraid i'd just get
>> piles of incomprehensible text.)
> Well you might try:
> curl | uuencode page.html | mail
> or
> ( echo "Content-Type: text/html"; curl | sendmail
> Now, if you want all the components of a page - like embedded images and
> such, or an entire site - then you might explore some of curl's options for
> downloading a site, pipe that through zip, and email the archive.
> Or... most browsers will do this for you!
> --
> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
> In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra

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