Le 07/11/2016 à 15:18, Richard Owlett a écrit :

   tomas@rasputin:~$ ls -al /dev/sd*
   brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Nov  7 09:06 /dev/sda
   brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Nov  7 09:06 /dev/sda1
   brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Nov  7 09:06 /dev/sda2
   brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 5 Nov  7 09:06 /dev/sda5

So you'd have to be associated to the "disk" group to read those
things and you'd have to *be* root to write.

Evidently not a solution. Added myself to both "disk" and "root" groups.
Had no effect when attempting to run either lsblk or parted.

Did you start a new session after adding yourself to the group ?
New groups are only taken into account when opening a session.
FWIW, adding myself to the "disk" group and starting a new session worked with lsblk -f. Didn't try parted.

Off-list it was suggested I try /sbin/blkid /dev/sda. Although the man
page has a caution when not used as root, it seems to currently work on
my immediately available Debian machine.

Indeed blkid uses a cache file which is readable by everyone and is updated by udev.

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