On 10/11/16 13:01, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 09:32:46AM -0500, Tony Baldwin wrote:
>> On 11/09/2016 06:59 AM, Loren Dvid wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> In debian 6.0 and 7.0 the latest stable version of PygreSQL package is 4.0
>>> http://www.pygresql.org/contents/changelog.html
>>> This version is from 2009. The newest stable version is 5.0.2
>>> Why the repository is not being updated?
>> This is common in the Stable release.
>> If you want the latest pkgs, you need to use testing (stretch) or
>> experimental/unstable (sid)


> The OP wasn't even talking about stable, he mentioned Debian 6 and 7, 
> which are prehistoric and ancient, respectively. (loved 'em both, in 
> their day -- but now is not their day)


All that would be valid, except jessie, stretch and sid still have 4.0.

But if you look at the debian changelog, you'll see the package was
orphaned in 2011. It probably just gets security updates now.

I'm not a python programmer, but from the sources below it seems that
Psycopg2 is now the most popular option. It seems reasonably likely that
the previous maintainer switched to that.


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