On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 12:40:22PM +0100, Fekete Tamás wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have problems with setting up the default video player program in GNOME.
> I tried to vi /etc/gnome/defaults.list as root.
> I modified a line first like this:
> video/flv=vlc.Totem
> I quit from my gnome session, than started the X again.
> The default app still wasn't vlc, so I tried to edit
> /etc/gnome/defaults.list like this:
> video/flv=vlc.Totem.desktop
> A repeated the gnome restart procedure, but the default player still hasn't
> change.
> Can anyone help me, what is the correct text has to be in defaults.list to
> make vlc to my default player?
> Or is there any other file I have to modify?
> I use debian 8.6 amd64 version which is upgraded from debian 8.5
> - Tamas Fekete

In Gnome go to Settings (upper right corner and select the screwdriver &
wrench icon). There you go to Details. Under Default Application set the
application for video.


Henning Follmann           | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

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