On Tue, 8 Nov 2016, Brian wrote:
On Mon 07 Nov 2016 at 18:17:05 -0600, David Wright wrote:
On Mon 07 Nov 2016 at 23:24:31 (+0000), Brian wrote:

Something for people to get their teeth into. From the first post:

> apt-get changelog libxslt1.1
> Err Changelog for libxslt1.1 
> 404  Not Found [IP: 80]

On my machine:

 brian@desktop:~$ lynx http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/updates/main/
                  The requested URL /changelogs/updates/main was not found on 
this server.

What does the workabout compensate for?

The 404. https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2016/11/msg00098.html step 8.

The idea of a workabout getting a file which doesn't exist is an
interesting one. :)

With the workaround, I get the changelog for the most recent
installable version from the package sources, since it appears not to
be present wherever apt-get changelog is looking.

Leaving that aside, what 'apt-get changelog' is doing and why is
also interesting.  Commenting out the "security" line could have a
different outcome. (Wheezy or not).

For the curious, I ran that experiment.

Output from when the security repo lines are commented out is below
(followed by output from when the same lines are re-enabled).


 deb http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main
 deb-src http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main

commented out in /etc/apt/sources.list:

 # apt-get update
 [output not captured]

 # apt-get -s upgrade
 Reading package lists...
 Building dependency tree...
 Reading state information...
 The following packages have been kept back:
   libpoppler-glib8 libsmbclient libswscale2 openssh-client openssh-server
   poppler-utils suckless-tools
 The following packages will be upgraded:
   file libmagic1 libpostproc52 libwbclient0 linux-libc-dev tar
 6 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
 Inst tar [1.26+dfsg-0.1+deb7u1] (1.27.1-1~bpo70+1 Debian 
Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])
 Conf tar (1.27.1-1~bpo70+1 Debian Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])
 Inst file [5.11-2+deb7u9] (1:5.22+15-2~bpo7+1 Debian 
Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386]) []
 Inst libmagic1 [5.11-2+deb7u9] (1:5.22+15-2~bpo7+1 Debian 
Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])
 Inst libwbclient0 [2:3.6.6-6+deb7u10] (2:4.1.17+dfsg-1~bpo70+1 Debian 
Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])
 Inst libpostproc52 [6:0.8.18-0+deb7u1] (6:0.git20120821-4~bpo70+1 Debian 
Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])
 Inst linux-libc-dev [3.2.82-1] (3.16.36-1+deb8u2~bpo70+1 Debian 
Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])
 Conf libmagic1 (1:5.22+15-2~bpo7+1 Debian Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])
 Conf file (1:5.22+15-2~bpo7+1 Debian Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])
 Conf libwbclient0 (2:4.1.17+dfsg-1~bpo70+1 Debian Backports:/wheezy-backports 
 Conf libpostproc52 (6:0.git20120821-4~bpo70+1 Debian 
Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])
 Conf linux-libc-dev (3.16.36-1+deb8u2~bpo70+1 Debian 
Backports:/wheezy-backports [i386])

 $ apt-get changelog libxslt1.1
 Err Changelog for libxslt1.1 
   404  Not Found [IP: 80]
 E: changelog download failed

Same sequence of commands, but with

 deb http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main
 deb-src http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main

re-enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list:

 # apt-get update
 [output not captured]

 # apt-get -s upgrade
 Reading package lists...
 Building dependency tree...
 Reading state information...
 The following packages will be upgraded:
   libxslt1.1 tzdata
 2 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Inst libxslt1.1 [1.1.26-14.1+deb7u1] (1.1.26-14.1+deb7u2 
Debian-Security:7.0/oldstable [i386])
 Inst tzdata [2016h-0+deb7u1] (2016i-0+deb7u1 Debian-Security:7.0/oldstable 
 Conf tzdata (2016i-0+deb7u1 Debian-Security:7.0/oldstable [all])
 Conf libxslt1.1 (1.1.26-14.1+deb7u2 Debian-Security:7.0/oldstable [i386])

 $ apt-get changelog libxslt1.1
 Err Changelog for libxslt1.1 
   404  Not Found [IP: 80]
 Err Changelog for libxslt1.1 
   404  Not Found [IP: 80]
 E: changelog download failed

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