On 11/19/2016 11:31 AM, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
On Sat, 19 Nov 2016, Brian wrote:
I'd like to know that, too.  I need a new home color printer, my
10-year-old HP PhotoSmart (blobless) MFP has finally broken down and
good second-hand parts are not easy to find in Brazil :-(

Why is it important for the printer to be blobless? Look at it this way:

Are we talking about printer firmware, or host-cpu device drivers?

All of your reply is only relevant for device firmware (runs in the
device).  But I thought this was about a binary-only driver blob that
runs in the host OS ?  Or did I misunderstand?

I'm pretty sure it's a host-cpu device driver.


Yeah, if it ran only in the device, I'd be okay with it.

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