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On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 08:34:42AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 01:26:45PM +0000, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
> > Well, when the OP writes "sane" he does not mean sane the program, but  
> > rather that he wants reasonable or rational file permissions (see  
> > https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sane#Adjective ).
> I think, unfortunately, he actually means "I know what I want, and you
> should know what I want, and I shouldn't have to explicitly say what
> I wants, because everyone has the same background and experiences that
> I do, so you all know what I mean without my saying it, right?"

Well paraphrased, albeit a bit biased. I think the discussion has the
potential to calibrate "our" expectations too.

> After reading other responses in this massive thread, I come to a few
> conclusions:
> 1) He wants auto-mounting of the inserted media, in the manner of Microsoft
>    Windows.  I don't know how he expects to handle unmounting.

I guess the way (Win)DOS has been doing since times immemorial: pull the
thing out and cope with the eventual corruption (yeah, I know Windows
has had a "safe eject" functionality for quite a while, but: how much
are people using it? and... the cultural roots hadn't it). But most DEs
have a button to "eject" the media (which really means unmount: now an
USB socket with a mechanical ejector would be really cool :-)

> 2) Apparently many Linux desktop environments offer this service, although
>    nobody currently responding to this thread knows how they do this.
>    It's voodoo.

Well: udisks was mentioned, and also pmount. Slowly we're getting the
pieces together. But you're right: DEs are (from my POV) horribly
inscrutable. That's one of the reasons I avoid them.

Sometimes I've to fix something for a customer (my most important customer
being my SO), and I'm invariably horrified at the Rube Goldberg quality
of those things. More frustrating is, it seems to be difficult to find
somebody who can point you to a rough sketch on how things work. But yes, YMMV.

> 3) My own previous response, coming from a no-desktop-environment viewpoint,
>    was premature.  Everything I said was correct only in my own subset
>    of the Debian world, where I use things that I understand and not
>    voodoo desktop environments that nobody understands.

Yep. Seems we are on the same page there. Still I want to help users, even
those using voodoo, whithin my possibilities.

- -- t
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