Kamil Jońca <kjo...@poczta.onet.pl> wrote:

> So far I used lvm with raid1 device as PV.

> Recently I have to extend my VG
> (https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2016/11/msg00909.html)

> and I read some about lvm.  If I understand correctly, LVM have
> builtin RAID1 functionality.  And I wonder about migrating lvm over md
> --> (lvm with raid1) over physical hard drive partitions.

My last information on the RAID1 code in LVM is, that it is inferior to
the one in MD.

The MD code for example is able to fix broken sectors by reading the data
from the other disk, overwriting the sector on the broken disk with the
correct data, trying to get the drive to remap the sector.

Also, the last time I checked (which was a few years ago, so take my
advise with a bit of caution) the LVM code had no feature to do a
regular scrubbing of the RAID, detecting bit-rot in advance.


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