Hi all,
I need a device to be automatically mounted on access and unmounted when being
idle. My /etc/fstab entry:

/dev/sdc1  /mnt/auto  ext4  defaults,noauto,x-systemd.automount,\
x-systemd.idle-timeout=10   0   0

Systemd correctly creates the mnt-auto.mount und mnt-auto.automount unit files
and automounting works perfectly.

x-systemd.idle-timeout=10 is getting translated to TimeoutIdleSec=10s within
mnt-auto.automount. According to the manpages (sytemd.automount(5)),  the
parameter TimeoutIdleSec specifies the time interval after which the device is
to be be unmounted:

"TimeoutIdleSec: Configures an idle timeout. Once the mount has been idle for
the specified time, systemd will attempt to unmount."

However, this never happens. It seems that this parameter is completely
ignored and the device never unmounted.

Is it a bug, or what did i miss to get it working?


Debian Jessie
Systemd 230-7~bpo8+2

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